An innovative camp for Chinese students explored entrepreneurship and sustainable development

A group of young students from Shanghai and their teacher joined an innovative entrepreneurship-themed camp for two weeks in Finland. The camp organized by Gradia and EduCluster Finland and tailored for the group.

The participants were introduced to Gradia’s entrepreneurship ecosystem and best practices. The program also included insights into various study fields such as business, media, and ICT. Additionally, they explored Gradia's business advising service Keski-Suomen Yritysidea, met young entrepreneurs from Tiimiakatemia, and visited local companies in the gaming and clothing sectors, particularly from the perspectives of sustainable and ethical business.

During the camp, students worked in teams and developed business ideas. At the end of the camp, each group presented their ideas and were awarded with certificates.

The encouraging and supportive teaching methods as well as the learning by doing approach sparked the students’ interest.  

The camp offered opportunities for intercultural exchange and learning between the Finnish and Chinese participants through various interaction and discussion.

Furthermore, participants took part in outdoor activities, acquired insights into sustainable development practices, and expanded their understanding of our languages, food, and culture.

Students from Shanghai I&C Foreign Language School, along with their teacher, at an entrepreneurship camp organized by Gradia and EduCluster Finland in August 2024.

For more information: 

Pauliina Holm, Global Partnerships Manager, Jyväskylä Educational Consortium Gradia,
Sanna Nummela, Service Director, EduCluster Finland Ltd,