Koulutuksen tiedot








Englanninkielinen opiskelu


180 osaamispistettä, 2–3 vuotta.




You apply to IB Diploma Programme through the joint application system (yhteishaku) at studyinfo.fi.

In addition to the joint application form, please complete the Gradia electronic course selection form.

The foreign certificate submitted to the Gradia admission office must be officially translated into English. On the Studyinfo form, foreign young people must apply in a discretionary application (i.e. check the box for discretionary application)"


  • 18.2.-18.3.2025


At the Jyväskylän Lyseo Upper Secondary School, it is possible for you to complete a distinguished pre-university programme IB Diploma Programme, which provides international qualification for further studies.  In the IB, you are exposed to the two great traditions of learning: the humanities and the sciences. In addition to compulsory studies, Jyväskylän Lyseo offers IB courses especially for those interested in sciences, social studies or literature.  To study in the IB is to analyze, discuss and experiment. Teaching is based on inquiry and experimental work is at focus. The IB Diploma Programme prepares well for further studies in higher education. Apart from the studies on mother tongue, language of teaching and instruction is English. IB students are a part of Lyseo student body, and you will participate in school events and traditions with other Lyseo students. 


When you enter the Jyväskylän Lyseon lukio IB-section, you study one preparatory year and two years of IB Diploma Programme studies.  During the preparatory year, course selection follows the first year of Finnish upper-secondary education. The aim is to strengthen your skills needed to successfully study in the IB Diploma Programme, including good written and spoken English.  

The students who have successfully completed the preparatory year studies are accepted to the Diploma Programme. In the IB Diploma Programme, you study six subjects and core studies for two academic years concluding your studies in the IB Final Examinations. When you have successfully completed the IB Final examinations and the other requirements, you are awarded with IB Diploma. The IB Diploma is recognized by universities worldwide.


Koulutuksen sisältö

In the IB, you will study two languages, the other usually being English Language and Literature and the other mother tongue (most often Finnish Literature), and Mathematics. In addition to them, you choose three other courses, of which one must be a science subject. Subjects offered in Jyväskylän Lyseo are English B (language acquisition), Finnish B (Finnish as a foreign language with some language background) French ab initio (French for beginners), Spanish an initio (Spanish for beginners), Biology, Chemistry, Environmental systems and societies, Physics, Economics, Global Politics, History, Psychology and Visual Arts. During the two years of IB Diploma Programme, you will also study core studies including studies on Theory of Knowledge, conduct academic research and engage in CAS program which includes creativity, activity and service tasks outside of classroom work.


Teaching, morning porridge, and lunch are free for daytime high school students at Gradia. For students covered by compulsory education *, necessary learning materials and equipment required for studies are also free of charge. Compulsory education students receive a laptop and other necessary learning materials for their studies free of charge. Special equipment, such as musical instruments or sports equipment, must be purchased by the students themselves

(*) Minors with an official municipality of residence in Finland.

Koulutuksen osoite

Sepänkatu 3, Jyväskylä

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Study the IB Diploma

Essi ja Anttijussi are studying the IB Diploma Programme at Jyväskylä Lyseo Upper Secondary School. Why did they choose IB?

  • the IB Diploma is internationally recognized
  • the IB studies develop the skills needed for success at university
  • the IB Diploma makes it easier to apply for studying abroad

And above all: being part of a worldwide IB community is a great experience!

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Gradia hakupalvelut

Ma–pe klo 9–12 sekä ma, ke, to klo 13–15
040 341 6193
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